VIT beantragt mit internationalen Partnern EU-Fördermittel

zur Stärkung der Lehre im Bereich ERP-Systeme.

ERP Systeme sind heute aus dem Alltag nicht wegzudenken, für privatwirtschaftliche Anwendungen finden sich hinreichend Initiativen, dies auch in der Lehre zu berücksichtigen. Nur für den Einsatz in der öffentlichen Verwaltung besteht Nachholbedarf an guten Ansätzen und virtuellen Laboren dazu. Da dies nicht nur in Deutschland so ist, wollen wir mit 6 Partnern aus 5 Staaten das ändern und vorhandene Ansätze in Breite tragen um die Lehre für den öffentlichen Sektor in diesem Bereich zu stärken.


Logistics and Accountancy in Public Administration are areas of teaching where, even in our technological age, teachers still stand in front of classes and teach, using whiteboards and scripts, based merely on theory and in the best case scenario their lectures have been "enriched" with case studies. Out in the real world, i.e. when the graduates enter Public Administrations, they are, in all likelihood, for the first time confronted with complex IT-systems.

This program enables teaching with complex IT systems, namely ERP systems, where each individual student has his or her own virtual municipality that accompanies him or her during the whole curriculum. So the students, now graduates, do not fear the IT environment but are rather able to comply with it and, more than that, know how it works and can detect possible shortcomings of the implementations.

A new and highly innovative curricula and accompanying training courses for Civil Servants at Public Administration Academies and Universities have been created. The participants WUW, HVF and MSU jointly developed two three-day course modules for an ERP-based training of civil servants in logistics and public accounting (see Within this applied project a roll-out into the regular curricula of the existing partners and new partners from DE, HU and RO shall take place. Furthermore, the new partners will develop interactive web-based training material to support the existing lectures in blended learning and the existing lectures will be enhanced by an interactive simulation tool for integrating sensor networks into ERP Systems with a special focus on Smart Cities.

Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hemker

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