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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hemker (Ehemaliger)

Wirtschaftsprüfer, Diplom-Mathematiker

Herr Prof. Dr. Hemker ist nicht mehr Teil des VIT-Teams.
Wir verabschieden ihn an die FH Münster.
(Stand 1.3.2024)


Mein Profil

Neben meiner Lehrtätigkeit und Projektarbeit berate ich in Projekten der Bundesbehörden und stehe auch als Ansprechpartner zu Fachthemen der Informatik, numerischen Mathematik zur Verfügung. Außerdem bin ich als Wirtschaftsprüfer bestellt und beschäftige mich in besonderem Maße mit den IT-bezogenen Aspekte des Berufsbildes.

Lehrveranstaltungen im gehobenen Verwaltungsinformatikdienst

  • M 7 Projektmanagement und Softwareengineering
  • M 11 Grundlagen des E-Governments
  • M 12 ERP- und BI Systeme
  • M 4 Betriebssysteme
  • M 9 Modellierung von Systemen und Prozessen
  • M 22 Internes Rechnungswesen und Verwaltungsbetriebswirtschaftslehre

Forschung und Projekte



  • Nachhaltig digital transformieren und Corporate Digital Responsibility
  • Wirksam IT-Strategien umsetzen und Digital Compliance
  • Aufbau und Betrieb von digitalen und physischen Laboren zu Themen der Verwaltungsinformatik

Curriculum Vitae

Beruflicher Werdegang

Juli 2017 bis Februar 2024 Professor für Informatik am Fachbereich Finanzen der HS Bund, im Studiengang Verwaltungsinformatik
seit 2016 Beratung im Bereich Digitalisierung, Simulation und Optimierung, öffentlich bestellter Wirtschaftsprüfer
2010-2016 KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Bereich Consulting als Prokurist / Manager
2004-2010 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, später Post-Doc und Lehrbeauftragter am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt



2015 Prüfung als Wirtschaftsprüfer bei der Wirtschaftsprüferkammer, Berlin
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
2011 Certified Document Imaging Architect (CDIA+)
2008 Promotion zum Doktor-Ingenieur am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt
2004-2007 DFG-Stipendiat im Graduiertenkolleg "Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung von Ingenieuranwendungen" an der TU Darmstadt
1998-2003 Studium zum Diplom-Mathematiker mit Nebenfach Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der WWU Münster und der UC Madrid



Artikel (reviewed)

  1. Thomas Hemker and Robert Müller-Török. (Zu) Wenig Digital-Kompetenzen in der Ausbildung für die öffentliche Verwaltung. Verwaltung & Management 29(2), 2023. BibTeX

    	title = "(Zu) Wenig Digital-Kompetenzen in der Ausbildung für die öffentliche Verwaltung",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert",
    	year = 2023,
    	journal = "Verwaltung \& Management",
    	volume = 29,
    	number = 2,
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  2. Thomas Hemker, Robert Müller-Török and Alexander Prosser. How to Measure Learning Success in eLearning for ERP Systems. In CEEeGov '23 Proceedings of the central and eastern european EDem and EGov days. 2023, accepted. BibTeX

    	title = "How to Measure Learning Success in eLearning for ERP Systems",
    	booktitle = "CEEeGov '23 Proceedings of the central and eastern european EDem and EGov days",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert and Prosser, Alexander",
    	year = 2023,
    	pages = "accepted",
    	publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    	langid = "english"
  3. Thomas Hemker and Robert Müller-Török. Digital competences in public sector education as a prerequisite for e-Government. Pro Publico Bono – Public Administration accepted for publication(4):42–55, 2022. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Digital competences in public sector education as a prerequisite for e-Government",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert",
    	year = 2022,
    	journal = "Pro Publico Bono – Public Administration",
    	volume = "accepted for publication",
    	number = 4,
    	pages = "42--55",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.32575/ppb.2022.4.3",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved",
    	ranking = "rank5",
    	file = "C\:\\Users\\Thomas.Hemker\\Documents\\ZoteroFiles\\Hemker_Müller-Török\\Hemker_Müller-Török_2023_Digital competences in public sector education as a prerequisite for.pdf"
  4. Thomas Hemker, Robert Müller-Török and Alexander Prosser. Interactive ELearning with ERP systems: Advancing some refutable hypotheses on interactivity in ELearning. In Proceedings of the central and eastern european EDem and EGov days. 2022, 130–134. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Interactive ELearning with ERP systems: Advancing some refutable hypotheses on interactivity in ELearning",
    	booktitle = "Proceedings of the central and eastern european EDem and EGov days",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert and Prosser, Alexander",
    	year = 2022,
    	series = "CEEeGov '22",
    	pages = "130--134",
    	publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    	address = "New York, NY, USA",
    	doi = "10.1145/3551504.3551562",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3551504.3551562",
    	abstract = "COVID-19 accelerated the drive towards distance learning, typically supported by web-based eLearning resources. There are also studies reviewing the transition to such as teaching style, whether in conjunction with traditional classroom teaching or as a supplement. This paper will focus on ERP-based teaching within a larger program to establish tertiary distance education in eGovernment in Germany (“eGov Campus”). It attempts to structure the topic and to advance some hypotheses that will be empirically tested against real-world data and experience from introducing this style of teaching in the eGov Campus.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved",
    	isbn = "978-1-4503-9766-7",
    	keywords = "eGov Campus,eGovernment,ERP systems"
  5. Thomas Hemker and Robert Müller-Török. Entwicklung und einführung ERP-basierter lehre an den HÖD. In Gleichwertigkeit der lebensverhältnisse: Möglichkeiten und wege der gestaltung für die öffentliche verwaltung. Schriften des praxis- und forschungsnetzwerks der hochschulen für den öffentlichen dienst series, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020, pages 263–276. BibTeX

    	title = "Entwicklung und einführung ERP-basierter lehre an den HÖD",
    	booktitle = "Gleichwertigkeit der lebensverhältnisse: Möglichkeiten und wege der gestaltung für die öffentliche verwaltung",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert",
    	year = 2020,
    	series = "Schriften des praxis- und forschungsnetzwerks der hochschulen für den öffentlichen dienst",
    	pages = "263--276",
    	publisher = "Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH \& Co. KG",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  6. Thomas Hemker and Christian Werner. DIRECT using local search on surrogates. Pacific Journal of Optimization 7(3):443–466, September 2011. URL BibTeX

    	title = "DIRECT using local search on surrogates",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Werner, Christian",
    	year = 2011,
    	month = "sep",
    	journal = "Pacific Journal of Optimization",
    	volume = 7,
    	number = 3,
    	pages = "443--466",
    	url = "http://www.ybook.co.jp/online2/oppjo/vol7/p443.html",
    	abstract = "The solution of noisy nonlinear optimization problems with nonlinear constraints and derivative information is becoming increasingly important, as many practical applications can be described by this type of problem in e.g., engineering applications. Existing local optimization methods show good convergence properties. However, they often depend on sufficiently good starting points and/or the approximation of gradients. In turn, global derivative free methods, which need no starting values to be initialized, require many evaluations of the objective function, particularly in the vicinity of the solution. A derivative free optimization algorithm is developed that combines advantages of both local and global methods. The DIRECT algorithm, which is often used for problems where no prior knowledge is available as kind of a brute force start, is extended by an inner loop using a surrogate based optimization method. The local search on the surrogate function determines better candidates for sampling than the hypercube center points chosen by DIRECT, especially if constraints are arising. This inner loop needs no additional evaluation of the original problem. Standard test problems and a computational more expensive test problem are chosen to show the performance of the new algorithm.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  7. Matthew Parno, K Fowler and Thomas Hemker. Applicability of surrogates to improve efficiency of particle swarm optimization for simulation-based problems. Engineering Optimization, pages online, 2011. DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Applicability of surrogates to improve efficiency of particle swarm optimization for simulation-based problems",
    	author = "Parno, Matthew and Fowler, K. and Hemker, Thomas",
    	year = 2011,
    	journal = "Engineering Optimization",
    	pages = "online",
    	doi = "10.1080/0305215X.2011.598521",
    	abstract = "Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based, heuristic technique based on social behaviour that performs well on a variety of problems including those with non-convex, non-smooth objective functions with multiple minima. However, the method can be computationally expensive in that a large number of function calls is required. This is a drawback when evaluations depend on an off-the-shelf simulation program, which is often the case in engineering applications. An algorithm is proposed which incorporates surrogates as a stand-in for the expensive objective function, within the PSO framework. Numerical results are presented on standard benchmarking problems and a simulation-based hydrology application to show that this hybrid can improve efficiency. A comparison is made between the application of a global PSO and a standard PSO to the same formulations with surrogates. Finally, data profiles, probability of success, and a measure of the signal-to-noise ratio of the the objective function are used to assess the use of a surrogate.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  8. Joshua D Griffin, Kathleen Fowler, Genetha Anne Gray, Thomas Hemker and Matthew Parno. Derivative-free optimization via evolutionary algorithms guiding local search. Pacific Journal of Optimization 7(3):425–443, 2011. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Derivative-free optimization via evolutionary algorithms guiding local search",
    	author = "Griffin, Joshua D. and Fowler, Kathleen and Gray, Genetha Anne and Hemker, Thomas and Parno, Matthew",
    	year = 2011,
    	month = "",
    	journal = "Pacific Journal of Optimization",
    	volume = 7,
    	number = 3,
    	pages = "425--443",
    	url = "http://www.ybook.co.jp/online2/oppjo/vol7/p425.html",
    	abstract = "In this paper, we describe the technical details of HOPSPACK (Hybrid Optimization Parallel Search Package), a new software platform which facilitates combining multiple optimization routines into a single, tightly-coupled, hybrid algorithm that supports parallel function evaluations. The framework is designed such that existing optimization source code can be easily incorporated with minimal code modification. By maintaining the integrity of each individual solver, the strengths and code sophistication of the original optimization package are retained and exploited.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  9. Jörg Bauer, Martin Friedmann, Thomas Hemker, Matthias Pischan, Christian Reinl, Eberhard Abele and Oskar Stryk. Analysis of industrial robot structure and milling process interaction for path manipulation. In Berend Denkena (ed.). Process machine interactions. Springer, 2011. BibTeX

    	title = "Analysis of industrial robot structure and milling process interaction for path manipulation",
    	booktitle = "Process machine interactions",
    	author = "Bauer, Jörg and Friedmann, Martin and Hemker, Thomas and Pischan, Matthias and Reinl, Christian and Abele, Eberhard and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	editor = "Denkena, Berend",
    	year = 2011,
    	publisher = "Springer",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  10. Eberhard Abele, Jörg Bauer, Thomas Hemker, Roman Laurischkat, Horst Meier, Stefanie Reese and Oskar Stryk. Comparison and validation of implementations of a flexible joint multibody dynamics system model for an industrial robot. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 4(1):38–43, 2011. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Comparison and validation of implementations of a flexible joint multibody dynamics system model for an industrial robot",
    	author = "Abele, Eberhard and Bauer, Jörg and Hemker, Thomas and Laurischkat, Roman and Meier, Horst and Reese, Stefanie and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2011,
    	month = "",
    	journal = "CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology",
    	volume = 4,
    	number = 1,
    	pages = "38--43",
    	issn = 17555817,
    	doi = "10.1016/j.cirpj.2011.01.006",
    	url = "https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1755581711000149",
    	urldate = "2023-03-16",
    	langid = "english"
  11. Katayon Radkhah, Thomas Hemker and Oskar Stryk. Self-calibration for industrial robots with rotational joints. Int. J. Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 3(3/4):187–209, 2010. BibTeX

    	title = "Self-calibration for industrial robots with rotational joints",
    	author = "Radkhah, Katayon and Hemker, Thomas and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2010,
    	journal = "Int. J. Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems",
    	volume = 3,
    	number = "3/4",
    	pages = "187--209",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  12. Eberhard Abele, Jörg Bauer, Matthias Pischan, Oskar Stryk, Martin Friedmann and Thomas Hemker. Prediction of the tool displacement for robot milling applications using co-simulation of an industrial robot and a removal process. In CIRP 2nd international conference process machine interactions. 2010. BibTeX

    	title = "Prediction of the tool displacement for robot milling applications using co-simulation of an industrial robot and a removal process",
    	booktitle = "CIRP 2nd international conference process machine interactions",
    	author = "Abele, Eberhard and Bauer, Jörg and Pischan, Matthias and {von Stryk}, Oskar and Friedmann, Martin and Hemker, Thomas",
    	year = 2010,
    	month = "",
    	abstract = "Industrial robots are used in a great variety of applications for handling, welding and milling operations. They represent a cost-saving and flexible alternative for machining applications. A reduced pose and path accuracy, especially under process force load due to the high mechanical compliance, restrict the use of industrial robots for further machining applications. In this paper a method is presented to predict the resulting path deviation of the robot under process force. A process force simulation based on a material removal calculation is proposed. The presented material removal simulation allows the calculation of the chip geometry even in complex cutter work piece engagement conditions. The removal simulation is validated by means of conducted milling tests. By coupling the removal simulation with a robot model the path deviation can be predicted.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved",
    	organization = "CIRP",
    	keywords = "Industrial Robot,Machine Process Interaction,Material removal simulation,Milling"
  13. Katayon Radkhah, Thomas Hemker, Martin Friedmann and Oskar Stryk. Towards the deployment of industrial robots as measurement instruments - An extended forward kinematic model incorporating geometric and nongeometric effects. In Proc. 2009 IEEE/ASME conference on advanced intelligent mechatronics (AIM). 2009, 124–129. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Towards the deployment of industrial robots as measurement instruments - An extended forward kinematic model incorporating geometric and nongeometric effects",
    	booktitle = "Proc. 2009 IEEE/ASME conference on advanced intelligent mechatronics (AIM)",
    	author = "Radkhah, Katayon and Hemker, Thomas and Friedmann, Martin and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2009,
    	pages = "124--129",
    	address = "Singapore, Singapore",
    	url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fiel5%2F5211950%2F5229709%2F05230028.pdf%3Farnumber%3D5230028&authDecision=-203",
    	abstract = "In the area of mounting and spot-welding of body-in-white, absolutely accurate robots are installed as measuring instruments, replacing expensive coordinate and other external measuring machines. Measurement technologies based on industrial robots play an increasingly important role. Such applications require highly accurate robots. Prior to deployment of highly accurate robot, however, it needs to be ensured that the implemented robot model fits the real model. Robot calibration can offer a significant opportunity to improve the positioning accuracy and to cut production costs. Existing calibration approaches fail to capture geometric and elastic effects occurring in the robot forward kinematics. Therefore, in this work an extended forward kinematic model incorporating both geometric and elastic effects has been developed in which the positioning accuracy of a manipulator, with or without an accurate internal robot model in the robot controller, is improved.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  14. Thomas Hemker, Hajime Sakamoto, Maximilian Stelzer and Oskar Stryk. Efficient walking speed optimization of a humanoid robot. International Journal of Robotics Research 28(2):303–314, 2009. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Efficient walking speed optimization of a humanoid robot",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Sakamoto, Hajime and Stelzer, Maximilian and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2009,
    	month = "",
    	journal = "International Journal of Robotics Research",
    	volume = 28,
    	number = 2,
    	pages = "303--314",
    	doi = "10.1177/0278364908095171",
    	url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0278364908095171",
    	abstract = "The development of optimized motions of humanoid robots that guarantee a fast and also stable walking is an important task especially in the context of autonomous soccer playing robots in RoboCup. We present a walking motion optimization approach for the humanoid robot prototype HR18 which is equipped with a low dimensional parameterized walking trajectory generator, joint motor controller and an internal stabilization. The robot is included as hardware-in-the-loop to define a low dimensional black-box optimization problem. In contrast to previously performed walking optimization approaches we apply a sequential surrogate optimization approach using stochastic approximation of the underlying objective function and sequential quadratic programming to search for a fast and stable walking motion. This is done under the conditions that only a small number of physical walking experiments should have to be carried out during the online optimization process. For the identified walking motion for the considered 55 cm tall humanoid robot we measured a forward walking speed of more than 30 cm/sec. With a modified version of the robot even more than 40 cm/sec could be achieved in permanent operation.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  15. Katayon Radkhah, Thomas Hemker and Oskar Stryk. A novel self-calibration method for industrial robots incorporating geometric and nongeometric effects. In Proc. IEEE international conference on mechatronics and automation (ICMA). 2008, 864–869. URL BibTeX

    	title = "A novel self-calibration method for industrial robots incorporating geometric and nongeometric effects",
    	booktitle = "Proc. IEEE international conference on mechatronics and automation (ICMA)",
    	author = "Radkhah, Katayon and Hemker, Thomas and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2008,
    	pages = "864--869",
    	address = "Takamatsu, Japan",
    	url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4798870&isnumber=4798708",
    	abstract = "We propose a novel problem formulation for the solution of the nonlinear least squares appearing in the static calibration of the parameters of an industrial robot with rotational joints. A further contribution of the presented work is the use of an extended forward kinematic model incorporating both geometric and nongeometric parameters. These novelties facilitate the use of industrial robots as measurement systems. Both the automobile and the general industry are interested in the use of highly accurate robots that can be deployed as measurement instruments, e.g. for noticing incorrectly welded points early in the production process. Existing approaches are disadvantageous because of (1) the use of additional external measurement systems, and (2) the difficult, time-consuming, and cost-intensive determination of the robot base. Instead of absolute measurement data, we make use of relative measurement data by means of a camera attached to the robot flange. In tests based on data generated from simulation of a real experimental setup, we obtain absolute accuracies after calibration better than ± 𝜇m. This work lays the foundations for a cost-minimal and effective realization of a robot as a measurement instrument.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  16. Thomas Hemker, Kathleen Fowler, Matthew W Farthing and Oskar Stryk. A mixed-integer simulation-based optimization approach with surrogate functions in water resources management. Optimization and Engineering 9(4):341–360, 2008. DOI BibTeX

    	title = "A mixed-integer simulation-based optimization approach with surrogate functions in water resources management",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Fowler, Kathleen and Farthing, Matthew W. and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2008,
    	month = "",
    	journal = "Optimization and Engineering",
    	volume = 9,
    	number = 4,
    	pages = "341--360",
    	doi = "10.1007/s11081-008-9048-0",
    	abstract = "Efficient and powerful methods are needed to overcome the inherent difficulties in the numerical solution of many simulation-based engineering design problems. Typically, expensive simulation codes are included as black-box function generators; therefore, gradient information that is required by mathematical optimization methods is entirely unavailable. Furthermore, the simulation code may contain iterative or heuristic methods, low-order approximations of tabular data, or other numerical methods which contribute noise to the objective function. This further rules out the application of Newton-type or other gradient-based methods that use traditional finite difference approximations. In addition, if the optimization formulation includes integer variables the complexity grows even further. In this paper we consider three different modeling approaches for a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem taken from a set of water resources benchmarking problems. Within this context, we compare the performance of a genetic algorithm, the implicit filtering algorithm, and a branch-and-bound approach that uses sequential surrogate functions. We show that the surrogate approach can greatly improve computational efficiency while locating a comparable, sometimes better, design point than the other approaches.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  17. Thomas Hemker, Oskar Stryk, Herbert Gersem and Thomas Weiland. Simulation-based design improvement of a superconductive magnet by mixed-integer nonlinear surrogate optimization. In 16th intl. Conf. on the computation of electromagnetic fields - compumag 2007. Juni 2007, 449–450. BibTeX

    	title = "Simulation-based design improvement of a superconductive magnet by mixed-integer nonlinear surrogate optimization",
    	booktitle = "16th intl. Conf. on the computation of electromagnetic fields - compumag 2007",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {von Stryk}, Oskar and {de Gersem}, Herbert and Weiland, Thomas",
    	year = 2007,
    	month = "jun",
    	pages = "449--450",
    	address = "Aachen, Germany",
    	abstract = "The numerical optimization of continuous parameters in electrotechnical design using electromagnetic field simulation is already standard. In this paper, we describe a new sequential surrogate optimization approach for simulation-based mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. We apply the method for the optimization of combined integer- and real-valued geometrical parameters of the coils of a superconductive magnet.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  18. Thomas Hemker, Herbert Gersem, Oskar Stryk and Thomas Weiland. Mixed-integer nonlinear design optimization of a superconductive magnet. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44(6):1110–1113, Juni 2007. BibTeX

    	title = "Mixed-integer nonlinear design optimization of a superconductive magnet",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {de Gersem}, Herbert and {von Stryk}, Oskar and Weiland, Thomas",
    	year = 2007,
    	month = "jun",
    	journal = "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics",
    	volume = 44,
    	number = 6,
    	pages = "1110--1113",
    	abstract = "The numerical optimization of continuous parameters in electrotechnical design using electromagnetic field simulation is already standard. When integer-valued variables are involved, the complexity of the optimization problem rises drastically. In this paper, we describe a new sequential surrogate optimization approach for simulation-based mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. We apply the method for the optimization of combined integer- and real-valued geometrical parameters of the coils of a superconductive magnet.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  19. Thomas Hemker, Hajime Sakamoto, Maximilian Stelzer and Oskar Stryk. Hardware-in-the-loop optimization of the walking speed of a humanoid robot. In CLAWAR 2006: 9th international conference on climbing and walking robots. September 2006, 614–623. BibTeX

    	title = "Hardware-in-the-loop optimization of the walking speed of a humanoid robot",
    	booktitle = "CLAWAR 2006: 9th international conference on climbing and walking robots",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Sakamoto, Hajime and Stelzer, Maximilian and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2006,
    	month = "sep",
    	pages = "614--623",
    	address = "Brussels, Belgium",
    	abstract = "The development of optimized motions of humanoid robots that guarantee a fast and also stable walking is an important task especially in the context of autonomous soccer playing robots in RoboCup. We present a walking motion optimization approach for the humanoid robot prototype HR18 which is equipped with a low dimensional parameterized walking trajectory generator, joint motor controller and an internal stabilization. The robot is included as hardware-in-the-loop to define a low dimensional black-box optimization problem. In contrast to previously performed walking optimization approaches we apply a sequential surrogate optimization approach using stochastic approximation of the underlying objective function and sequential quadratic programming to search for a fast and stable walking motion. This is done under the conditions that only a small number of physical walking experiments should have to be carried out during the online optimization process. For the identified walking motion for the considered 55 cm tall humanoid robot we measured a forward walking speed of more than 30 cm/sec. With a modified version of the robot even more than 40 cm/sec could be achieved in permanent operation.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  20. Thomas Hemker, Kathleen Fowler and Oskar Stryk. Derivative-free optimization methods for handling fixed costs in optimal groundwater remediation design. In Proc. of the CMWR XVI - computational methods in water resources. Juni 2006, electronic resource. BibTeX

    	title = "Derivative-free optimization methods for handling fixed costs in optimal groundwater remediation design",
    	booktitle = "Proc. of the CMWR XVI - computational methods in water resources",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Fowler, Kathleen and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2006,
    	month = "jun",
    	pages = "electronic resource",
    	abstract = "Groundwater remediation design problems are routine in water resource management. The starting point for such a design problem is to formulate an objective function that represents a measure of the manager´s goal. For example, in plume migration control, we need to determine the cost to design a well field to alter the direction of groundwater flow and thereby control the destination of a contaminant. Constraints must be specified to ensure that the plume is captured, the physical domain is protected, and the wells operate under realistic conditions. Optimization algorithms must work in conjunction with groundwater flow and possibly contaminant transport simulators to determine the minimal cost well design subject to the constraints, but typically these numerical simulation codes have been developed for many years and have usually not been designed to meet the specific needs of optimization methods as, e.g., providing gradient information. Decision variables can be real-valued, in the case of pumping rates and well locations, or integer valued in the case of the number of wells in the design. In this work we focus on formulations that include a fixed installation cost as well as an operating cost, resulting in a simulation-based nonlinear mixed-integer optimization problem. The motivation is that our preliminary studies have shown that convergence to an unsatisfactory, local minimum with many wells operating at low pumping rates is common when the fixed cost is ignored. The challenge in the fixed cost formulation is the integer variable for the number of wells in the design. Removing a well from the design space leads to a large decrease in cost meaning optimizers must be equipped to either handle a mixed-integer or approximate mixed integer, black-box problem and discontinuities in the objective function. Moreover since evaluation of the objective function requires numerical results from a simulation, derivative information is unavailable. Gradient based optimization methods are not appropriate for these applications, hence methods that rely only on function values are more appealing. We compare three methods for handling the installation cost on a hydraulic capture benchmarking problem proposed in the literature. All the approaches described below do not use the gradient of the objective function, only function values for minimization. In one approach, we use penalty coefficients proposed in the literature for the installation term to transform the discontinuous problem into a continuous one. In another approach, we bypass including the number of wells as a decision variable by defining an inactive-well threshold. In the course of the optimization, if a well rate falls in this threshold, the well is removed from the design space, leading to large discontinuities in the objective function. For the two above formulations, we use the implicit filtering algorithm, a method which uses a sequence of finite difference gradients, for minimization. In the third approach, we use sequential stochastic modeling to build surrogate functions to approximate the original objective function. With this procedure the use of a branch and bound technique becomes possible to solve the mixed integer problem in contrast to methods working directly on the simulation results, which impedes relaxation of integer variables. We present promising preliminary numerical results on the benchmarking problem and point the way towards improvement and future work.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  21. Thomas Hemker, Markus Glocker, Herbert Gersem, Oskar Stryk and Thomas Weiland. Mixed-integer simulation-based optimization for a superconductive magnet design. In Sixth international conference on computational elektromagnetics, proceedings, 4-6 april 2006 in aachen. 2006, 125–127. BibTeX

    	title = "Mixed-integer simulation-based optimization for a superconductive magnet design",
    	booktitle = "Sixth international conference on computational elektromagnetics, proceedings, 4-6 april 2006 in aachen",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Glocker, Markus and {de Gersem}, Herbert and {von Stryk}, Oskar and Weiland, Thomas",
    	year = 2006,
    	month = "",
    	pages = "125--127",
    	abstract = "The optimization of continuous parameters in electrotechnical designs using electromagnetic field simulation is already standard. Typically, the simulation tools only carry out evaluations of the objective function and do not provide gradient information. If in addition to continuous design parameters also integer design parameters have to be optimized, only computational expensive random search methods like genetic algorithms are well known. In this paper, we present a new sequential modeling approach to solve mixed-integer simulation-based optimiza-tion problems for an electrotechnical design problem for superconductive magnets. Each step of this approach uses stochastic modeling techniques to predict the simulation output by a surrogate function. The surrogate function treats the integer variables as real-valued ones. New promising parameter con-figurations are predicted by a “branch-and-bound” method, which solves the purely continuous subproblems by classical optimization methods for continuous and differentiable functions. The additional information of these simulation runs improves the quality of the surrogate function step by step. The proposed approach is applied to optimize the distribution of coil blocks and coil windings of a superconduc-tive magnet such that a maximal homogeneity of the magnetic field in the aperture is achieved.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved",
    	organization = "VDE",
    	ranking = "rank5"

Bücher (auch als Herausgeber)

  1. Thomas Hemker and Robert Müller Török (eds.). Analyse und Bewertung der im FIT-Store angebotenen EfA-Leistungen zum Ende der OZG-Umsetzungsfrist. 1. Auflage edition, Booksocg.at series, number 344, Facultas, 2023. BibTeX

    	title = "Analyse und Bewertung der im FIT-Store angebotenen EfA-Leistungen zum Ende der OZG-Umsetzungsfrist",
    	editor = "Hemker, Thomas and Müller Török, Robert",
    	year = 2023,
    	series = "Booksocg.at",
    	edition = "1. Auflage",
    	number = 344,
    	publisher = "Facultas",
    	address = "Wien",
    	isbn = "978-3-903035-33-1",
    	langid = "ngerman"
  2. Thomas Hemker, Robert Müller-Török, Alexander Prosser, Péter Sasvári, Dona Scola and Nicolae Urs (eds.). CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2021: CoV-19 as a Driver for eGovernment? Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2021, Budapest. 1. Auflage edition, Booksocg.at series, number 341, facultas, 2021. BibTeX

    	title = "CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2021: CoV-19 as a Driver for eGovernment? Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2021, Budapest",
    	shorttitle = "CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2021",
    	editor = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert and Prosser, Alexander and Sasvári, Péter and Scola, Dona and Urs, Nicolae",
    	year = 2021,
    	series = "Booksocg.at",
    	edition = "1. Auflage",
    	number = 341,
    	publisher = "facultas",
    	address = "Wien",
    	isbn = "978-3-7089-2121-1",
    	langid = "english"
  3. Thomas Hemker, Robert Müller-Török, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Tamás Szádeczky and Nicolae Urs (eds.). Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2020: conference proceedings. Facultas ; Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2020. BibTeX

    	title = "Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2020: conference proceedings",
    	shorttitle = "Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2020",
    	editor = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert and Prosser, Alexander and Scola, Dona and Szádeczky, Tamás and Urs, Nicolae",
    	year = 2020,
    	publisher = "Facultas ; Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft",
    	address = "Wien, [Wien]",
    	isbn = "978-3-7089-1956-0",
    	langid = "english",
    	annotation = "OCLC: 1232447639"
  4. Noriaki Ando, Stephen Balakirsky, Thomas Hemker, Monica Reggiani and Oskar Stryk (eds.). Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, volume 6472, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots",
    	editor = "Ando, Noriaki and Balakirsky, Stephen and Hemker, Thomas and Reggiani, Monica and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2010,
    	series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    	volume = 6472,
    	publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
    	address = "Berlin, Heidelberg",
    	doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-17319-6",
    	url = "http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-17319-6",
    	urldate = "2023-03-14",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved",
    	isbn = "978-3-642-17318-9 978-3-642-17319-6"
  5. Thomas Hemker. Derivative free surrogate optimization for mixed-integer nonlinear black box problems in engineering. Reihe 10: Informatik/Kommunikation series, number 797, VDI Verlag / Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2008. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Derivative free surrogate optimization for mixed-integer nonlinear black box problems in engineering",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas",
    	year = 2008,
    	month = "",
    	series = "Reihe 10: Informatik/Kommunikation",
    	number = 797,
    	publisher = "VDI Verlag / Technische Universität Darmstadt",
    	url = "https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/2162/",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"

Artikel (nicht reviewed)

  1. Thomas Hemker, Robert Müller-Török and Peter Steinhoff. Neuer Ansatz notwendig: Verwaltugnsausbildung - digital, klimaschonend, preiswert und wirksam. Behördenspiegel, 2023. BibTeX

    	title = "Neuer Ansatz notwendig: Verwaltugnsausbildung - digital, klimaschonend, preiswert und wirksam",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert and Steinhoff, Peter",
    	year = 2023,
    	month = "",
    	journal = "Behördenspiegel"
  2. Thomas Hemker and Robert Müller-Török. Digitalfreie Studiengänge? Eine Bestandsaufnahme an den Hochschulen für den Öffentlichen Dienst in Deutschland. Behördenspiegel, page 30, 2022. BibTeX

    	title = "Digitalfreie Studiengänge? Eine Bestandsaufnahme an den Hochschulen für den Öffentlichen Dienst in Deutschland",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert",
    	year = 2022,
    	month = "",
    	journal = "Behördenspiegel",
    	pages = 30
  3. Thomas Hemker and Robert Müller-Török. (Zu) Wenig Digital-Kompetenzen in der Ausbildung für die öffentliche Verwaltung. Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung, 2022. BibTeX

    	title = "(Zu) Wenig Digital-Kompetenzen in der Ausbildung für die öffentliche Verwaltung",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {Müller-Török}, Robert",
    	year = 2022,
    	institution = "Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  4. Thomas Hemker and Olaf Köppe. Die E-Akte ist ein Einstieg in die digitale Transformation. Public Governance, pages 20–21, 2021. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Die E-Akte ist ein Einstieg in die digitale Transformation",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and Köppe, Olaf",
    	year = 2021,
    	journal = "Public Governance",
    	pages = "20--21",
    	url = "https://publicgovernance.de/media/Interview_E-Akte_Einstieg_in_digitale_Transformation.pdf"
  5. Ulrich Lohmann, Jörg Schmittwilken and Thomas Hemker. Virtuelle Labore in der IT Didaktik. Innovative Verwaltung 12, 2018. BibTeX

    	title = "Virtuelle Labore in der IT Didaktik",
    	author = "Lohmann, Ulrich and Schmittwilken, Jörg and Hemker, Thomas",
    	year = 2018,
    	journal = "Innovative Verwaltung",
    	volume = 12,
    	issn = "1618-9876",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  6. Thomas Hemker, Herbert Gersem, Stefan Koch and Oskar Stryk. Bessere synchrotron-magnete durch simulationsbasierte optimierung. Computational engineering (2/2011):58–62, 2011. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Bessere synchrotron-magnete durch simulationsbasierte optimierung",
    	author = "Hemker, Thomas and {de Gersem}, Herbert and Koch, Stefan and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	editor = "Schaefer, Michael",
    	year = 2011,
    	journal = "Computational engineering",
    	series = "forschung",
    	number = "2/2011",
    	pages = "58--62",
    	url = "http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/media/illustrationen/referat_kommunikation/publikationen_km/themaforschung/2011_02/Forschen_02_2011_S58-62.pdf",
    	abstract = "Während die numerische Optimierung von kontinuierlichen Parametern supraleitender Magnete basierend auf elektromagnetischen Feldsimulationen trotz hoher Rechenzeitanforderungen schon fast alltäglich ist, stellt die für ein optimales Design notwendige, simultane Berücksichtigung auch diskreter Parameter und der damit verbundene, hohe zusätzliche Rechenaufwand enorme Schwierigkeiten dar. Eine neue, methodische Vorgehensweise zu deren Überwindung wird vorgestellt und zur Entwicklung von besonders leistungsfähigen, supraleitenden Magneten für das neue internationale Beschleunigerzentrum FAIR erfolgreich angewendet.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  7. Joshua D Griffin, Kathleen Fowler, Genetha Anne Gray, T Hemker and Matthew Parno. Derivative-free optimization via evolutionary algorithms guiding local search. Sandia report SAND2010-3023J, Sandia National Laboratories, 2010. BibTeX

    	type = "Sandia report",
    	title = "Derivative-free optimization via evolutionary algorithms guiding local search",
    	author = "Griffin, Joshua D. and Fowler, Kathleen and Gray, Genetha Anne and Hemker, T. and Parno, Matthew",
    	year = 2010,
    	month = "",
    	number = "SAND2010-3023J",
    	address = "Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550",
    	institution = "Sandia National Laboratories",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved",
    	owner = "thomas",
    	timestamp = "2013.08.18"
  8. Martin Friedmann, Thomas Hemker, Stefan Kohlbrecher, Karen Petersen, Sebastian Petters, Katayon Radkhah, Max Risler, Dorian Scholz, Dirk Thomas and Oskar Stryk. Darmstadt dribblers - team description for humanoid KidSize league of RoboCup 2010. Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2010. BibTeX

    	title = "Darmstadt dribblers - team description for humanoid KidSize league of RoboCup 2010",
    	author = "Friedmann, Martin and Hemker, Thomas and Kohlbrecher, Stefan and Petersen, Karen and Petters, Sebastian and Radkhah, Katayon and Risler, Max and Scholz, Dorian and Thomas, Dirk and {von Stryk}, Oskar",
    	year = 2010,
    	institution = "Technische Universität Darmstadt",
    	abstract = "This paper describes the hardware and software design of the kidsize humanoid robot systems of the Darmstadt Dribblers in 2010. The robots are used as a vehicle for research in control of locomotion and behavior of autonomous humanoid robots and robot teams with many degrees of freedom and many actuated joints. The Humanoid League of RoboCup provides an ideal testbed for such aspects of dynamics in motion and autonomous behavior as the problem of generating and maintaining statically or dynamically stable bipedal locomotion is predominant for all types of vision guided motions during a soccer game. A modular software architecture as well as further technologies have been developed for e cient and e ective implementation and test of modules for sensing, planning, behavior, and actions of humanoid robots.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"
  9. Matthew Parno, Kathleen Fowler and Thomas Hemker. Framework for particle swarm optimization with surrogate functions. Number TUD-CS-2009-0139, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Computer Science, 2009. BibTeX

    	title = "Framework for particle swarm optimization with surrogate functions",
    	author = "Parno, Matthew and Fowler, Kathleen and Hemker, Thomas",
    	year = 2009,
    	number = "TUD-CS-2009-0139",
    	institution = "Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Computer Science",
    	abstract = "Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based, heuristic minimization technique that is based on social behavior. The method has been shown to perform well on a variety of problems including those with nonconvex, nonsmooth objective functions with multiple local minima. However, the method can be computationally expensive in that a large number of function calls is required to advance the swarm at each optimization iteration. This is a significant drawback when function evaluations depend on output from an off-the-shelf simulation program, which is often the case in engineering applications. To this end, we propose an algorithm which incorporates surrogate functions, which serve as a stand-in for the expensive objective function, within the PSO framework. We present numerical results to show that this hybrid approach can improve algorithmic efficiency.",
    	copyright = "All rights reserved"

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